Join the PCA

To join the PCA, 24/7 Security (armed response) and the Road Closures email
Coll at or call 082 896 3547

The PCA offers 3 different memberships: PCA Membership, Road Closures and Armed Response (24/7 Security)

PCA Membership

Having a strong base of contributing members to the PCA enables the PCA Board and Committees to effectively manage the overall wellbeing of the suburb for residents, businesses and visitors. The more members we have, the more we can achieve.

There are 1368 ‘front doors’ in Parkmore. We have approximately 650 members to the PCA and about 540 signups for the 24/7 Security / armed response service. In order to make Parkmore safer and better for all and reduce the memberhsip fees for everyone we need more contributors.

You can find out what we use membership fees for below on this page.

Road Closures

The road closures have installed the physical gates, booms, guardhouses and cameras, and are responsible for managing and maintain them on an ongoing basis. Additionally, there are guards that man some of the manual booms. They enclosures are in 2 sections:

Road closure contributions are separate from PCA and 24/7 Security and differ in price from zone to zone – this is because each area is a different size with a different number of booms/base of contributions.  

Road closures halved crime incidents when they were implemented

Armed Response (provided by 24/7 Security)

The road closures have installed the physical gates, booms, guardhouses and cameras, and are responsible for managing and maintain them on an ongoing basis. Additionally, there are guards that man some of the manual booms. They enclosures are in 2 sections:

Road closure contributions are separate from PCA and 24/7 Security and differ in price from zone to zone – this is because each area is a different size with a different number of booms/base of contributions.  Please visit the road closure page for more information.

What membership fees are used for

Here are some numbers, both big and small:

It costs over R500k per month to keep our PCA-contracted security initiative operating. This covers:

The road closure guarding and infrastructure costs are over and above R330k, and are covered by each of the road closure entities.